so us old men had a little get together yesterday. our host was late so being the creative bastards we are, we set up shop and started grilling on the side walk. down the road was a 'hip hop' event were it seemed the hip high school kids were at. i mean it must of been being seen packed sentras 6 deep with crooks and castles and KAM fitteds popping out the windows. nonetheless, the O.G heads were busy drinking and eating grilled bacon and mushroom do dads and what evers on the sidewalk.. all in all fun day, good to catch up and knock back a few while loitering on the side of the road. plus, bonus of the day.. i got to talk with NAKAS. if you dont know what hes about.. im sure you will very soon, or at least see his monkier everywhere you go. dude is a machine, for real.

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